The Writing Journey

Westley A. Williams 

    As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a writer. Well, as far back as the age of 11, that's when I realized my passion for creative writing. 

It started in a small city of Northern California, we were living (my mother, younger brother and I) with my mom's best friend at the time in a two bedroom apartment. My mom's friend had a son who was around our age and whom we got along with for the most part. Since he was an only child, he had all the toys, all the video games, and didn't have to share them with anyone. That is until we showed up. Even then he didn't have to share, but we ended up playing on his PlayStation 2 (which was the biggest console at the time) playing all of the hundred or so games he had, and I think this is what may have sparked my creative drive. You see, games in the PS2 era contained a lot of adventure and story driven games, and a lot of the ones he had were movie adaptations, which are now extinct, sadly. But I would always think while playing these games of what it would be like if there were novel adaptations of these games (particularly the ones that weren't movie adaptations) and how I would write them. 

This is where I first picked up a notebook and began outlining a series of adventure books that I have since forgotten what it was called (ya I know), but I do remember writing several chapters for each installment that I came up with. I don't think I ever actually finished any of the books, but what I enjoyed the most about it was coming up with book titles, chapter names, characters, and outlining the overall adventure of the book. 

However, video games wasn't my only source of inspiration. I did do a lot of reading back then, a lot more than i do now. Some of my favorite book series to read as a kid was Lemony Snicket's series of Unfortunate Events of which I had and read every single installation, the Magic Tree House books, Goosebumps, Star Wars novels, and Artemis Fowl, to name a few. My mom loved buying me books, so I naturally grew up learning to read. In school, it was never really evaluated or noticed, but I was at a much higher level of reading than what was expected due to the fact that my mother bought me books that were several grade levels above mine. (I know 👏) 

I stopped writing for a good amount of my teenage years until I finally picked it back up just around finishing high school, only this time, I don't remember what it was that sparked my inspiration. All I remember is starting to write again, and coming up with several book ideas at once, and only finishing the first draft of one of them. That being a war novel set during the Great War. I laid out the plans for a fantasy series at this time as well revolving around the concept of witches, as well as my own take on how a war leader/dictator of ancients times rose to power with an army inspired by the traits of certain animals. I promise they will be available soon. 

After well into the dreaded adulthood and slowly working on my many projects that spanned from writing to music production, I became a truck driver, and my experiences while learning the trucking industry as well as outside experiences I call "My Psychedelic Sixties" phase, gave rise to even more inspiration and ideas for future projects. One of my favorite of these is a series based on my experience going thru trucking school and driving over the road with several trainers. It is fantasy and satires the reality of trucking, over exaggerating what you go thru and the type of characters you meet, and I am very imaginative with coming up with explanations for everyday happenings in the industry. 

If your impatient like me, then you may have went and done something stupid like publish and release a book in it's first draft stage on Amazon, which i did in hopes that I can put my mind off of it for the moment and not have to hurry on getting it put out and being stapled as mine. Here's a sample of it if you want to check it out, but mind you this is the result of impatience, pressure, and an imaginary deadline so expect a lot of errors. Though reading it myself , it's actually doesn't seem that bad to me. Diesel Dragon's (First Draft).epub

Maybe one more draft and it would actually be ready for publishing. But anyway, that's my writing journey so far. It's a struggle to keep focus on one project for me, so I'm very slow in releasing content, and when I do, it's not up to what it could have been in terms of quality. If only I had the time to just do nothing but write my books and finish them. But that's what I'm working for. Thanks for reading my entire rambling about shit you probably don't care about, but at least now I'm public...